Counseling Services

"The Middle is Messy, But It's Also Where the Magic Happens." - Brené Brown

Mosaic Mental Wellness and Health is a provider of out-patient mental health services and offers culturally affirming therapy services including: 

  • Individual Therapy (children, adolescents, & adults)

  • Family Therapy

  • Marriage & Couples Counseling

  • Group Counseling

  • Behavioral Assessments

  • EAP Individual, Family and Group Counseling for Adults and Children.

Our Clinicians are experienced to work on the following issues:

  • Diversity & Social Justice issues:

    • Sexual Orientation and identity

    • Race/Ethnicity

    • Gender

    • Disability

    • Chronic Health

  • Reproductive Health Issues

    • Perinatal Counseling

  • Abuse (physical, sexual and emotional)

  • Spirituality

  • Anger Management

  • Anxiety

  • Behavioral Issues

  • Codependency

  • Coping Skills

  • Relationship issues

  • Grief/loss

  • IEP/Special Education

  • Career and College transitions

  • Trauma and PTSD


Individual Therapy Services

We offer individual counseling to help people work through an array of issues in their lives, including anxiety, depression, trauma, grief, compulsive behaviors, change and other individual concerns.

During individual therapy, adults and children will develop a healthier understanding of their thoughts, feelings, and reactions, and set specific personal goals in an effort to work toward desired change. When working with children, we utilize games, toys and non-threatening interactions to provide therapy in a relaxed setting

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Group Therapy

Our goal is that group acts as a local support network and a sounding board.  Many people have mental health issues; however, very few have an outlet to discuss them.  This leaves people feeling isolated, and as if they are the only ones struggling.   The unique group dynamic allows you to listen and talk to others who are experiencing similar concerns or experiences, which can put your own difficulties into perspective, and can bring a sense of relief as you recognize that you are not alone.